Treasury Competition Semi-Finalists

Each week our members build a treasury that they submit to be the board for the Bellas Weekend BNS Bash that is held the fist weekend of every month.  You can always find the thread for submissions on our discussion board.  If you would like to submit a board you must be a member of the team and feature other team members.  The winning treasury at the end of the month is our Weekend BNS Board.  Weekly semi-finalists have their treasuries featured here (and have a spot reserved for them on every board all weekend long) and on the last day of the month the winner is chosen.  The winner not only gets their treasury featured and is the featured shop for the weekend, but they also get a shop feature!  So join up and submit some boards and maybe you will be our next Featured Shop on the Weekend BNS Bash.  

Winner August 4:
VBDesigns with Dreaming in Purple
Congrats VBDesigns!  You are a semi-finalist for the month of August!

Dreaming in Purple

Winner July 28:
Dana from AbraBOWdana with What's Red, White and Black All Over?
Congrats Dana!  You are a semi-finalist for the month of July!

What's red, white and black all over?

Winner July 21:
Susan Middleton from Oh Edith with The Color of the Sky
Congrats Susan!  You are a semi-finalist for the month of July!

The Color of the Sky

Winner July 14:
Jan Davis from JanDavis2 with Bellas BNS in Fabulous Blues
Congrats Jan!  You are a semi-finalist for the month of July!

Bellas BNS in Fabulous Blues

Winner July 7:
Cindy Ely from CE Crafts with Stop Bugging Me
Congrats Cindy!  You are a semi-finalist for the month of July!

Stop Bugging Me

Winner June 30:
Kelly from Kelly's Craft Items with Ivy to Olive
Congrats Kelly!  You are a semi-finalist for the month of June!

Winner June 23:
Ilona Busch from Nonoluna with Bella's Coffee Break
Congrats Ilona!  You are a semi-finalist for the month of June!

Bella's Coffee Break


Winner June 16:
Francesca from The Shop at Pooh Corner with Nautical
Congrats Francesca!  You are a semi-finalist for the month of June!!
